Our Orphan Programme supports children with their education and nutrition. Each family receives a bag of corn soya blend each month along with other support

Family Feeding Programme
Many of our fellow Christians in Zambia are living in poverty. Our Family Feeding Programme distributes food through a number of churches but more is needed. Can you help?
Please donate a regular amonut each month.
£5 feeds a child for a month
£25 feeds a family for a month
Any amount – would be a blessing
Our main activities
Click the boxes to find out more
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Could you help?
We would greatly appreciate your contribution in Prayer, Expertise and Gifts in money or in kind
An innovative system to record attendance at your children’s activities.
Worknet Solutions, who developed the ShareAfrica Orphan system, have now developed an online system for recording attendance at activities such as Sunday Schools, Holiday Bible Clubs, Toddler Groups etc.
It is available for £60 per year with profits going to ShareAfrica.
See www.registerplus.co.uk for further details and to register for an account.

Some key features
- Accessible by Mobile, Tablet or PC
- Records details of children and their contacts
- Features to support GDPR
- All personal details secure and encrypted
- Send out emails to contacts

Great for your children’s work – supporting children in Zambia