Rural Farmer Support - The 'Outgrowers' Scheme
The SHAREAfrica Zambia (SAZ) Outgrowers scheme supports smallholder farmers with the aim of improving cash-crop yields.
There are three levels of support:
- Full sponsorship
- Part sponsorship
- Seed Loans
Depending on the level of support, the farmer will benefit from some or all of the following: provision of seed, fertiliser, herbicides, training, transport, weed loans, loans for oxen, shellers, bags, scales, and a guaranteed buy back of produce at the end of the season.
Food security is a priority for most people in Zambia. Growing enough food to feed the family, as well as earning cash to buy domestic essentials, is an on-going challenge for most rural farmers. The SAZ scheme has been running for several years and we are pleased to report significant improvements in farm earnings.
The Outgrowers Scheme, run by SHAREAfrica Zambia, aims to make rural farming more productive and profitable by providing quality seed, fertiliser, bags, storage, training, and small loans for hired labour during planting and harvesting. The scheme also provides a market for the produce by guaranteeing to buy back the farmers produce, which is grown from the seed provided, at 10% above market price.
We will continue to grow the programme and invest in new methods for improving productivity. Providing oxen, expanding the farming land, and giving quality seed, are the three things that have contributed most to the success.
A donation of £25 or $35 a month is needed for farmers on the full support scheme. The others farmers are supported by SAZ.
- 90% of your donation goes to the farmer.
- 10% is used for field administration
- Other administration and management costs are subsidised by SHAREAfrica Zambia and SHAREAfrica UK
A whole family, including dependants, will benefit from your generosity.