When you click our Donate button you will be taken to the Stripe payment form. You can pay there by credit/debit card or Direct Debit. Google Pay and ApplePay are also available. Other payment methods will be added soon.
You can also donate by sponsoring a named Orphan or Farmer

Other Ways to Donate
You can also make a donation by post. Please send your cheque to the address shown below or make a bank payment to 20-29-23 10592935.
If you wish to set up a standing order please download, print and complete our Standing Order Form
If you are a UK tax payer, please complete our Gift Aid Declaration Form so that we can reclaim 25p in the £ on your donations.

About NowDonate
ShareAfrica had been using NowDonate to handle our Online Donations. However, we have had some problems with this system and are switching to collect all payments through Stripe.
Any regular payments already set up through NowDonate will continue to be paid.